Session Types
EAACI Journals Highlights (JH)
Organised with Allergy, Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology, and Clinical and Translational Allergy Journals of EAACI, the traditional “Best of EAACI Journals” session provides the audience with an opportunity to review the best papers published throughout the year.
Flash Talks (FT)
Moderators will lead a discussion of around 15 related posters in the session, asking the audience and the presenters to set the work in context and draw out important themes and conclusions. These sessions will be in an electronic format and will take place in four designated PDS Zones in the Exhibition Hall. Moreover, in each e-Poster area there is a Poster Help Desk.
Presented only on-site and not live streamed. Recording will be availble on EAACI Congress Digital Platform after the congress. -
Hot Topic (HT)
Hot Topic Sessions consist of presentations followed by a discussion. Topics are selected close to the time of the congress, with the goal of presenting new and exciting data in a more informal format than a typical session. Hot Topic Sessions allow members to gain insight into the latest news and findings in allergy and clinical immunology.
Interactive Workshops (IWS)
Interactive Workshops are sessions in which speakers share and discuss evidence and experience gathered – clinical, translational and/or basic – in a certain field. In agreement with the current pandemic situation this year IWS will occur in a hybrid format (mixed personal/online). The session room will be set up in a more informal way to allow interactive discussions with the participants. Live interaction with the audience is encouraged, either in person or remote via the live webcasting.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress. -
JMA Sessions (JMA)
A programme designed by and for the JMA with the support of internationally renowned experts throughout all topics. Get accredited knowledge and valuable education exploring the latest technologies and approaches and solutions for your future professional pathway.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress. -
Learning Lounges (LL)
Pre-registration is required. A separate registration fee applies.
Learning Lounges allow delegates to meet in a small group with outstanding researchers and clinicians. The format is designed to facilitate informal discussions, allowing participants to present their questions and gain new insights. No presentations will be given, instead the participants will have ample time for interaction with the faculty member and their peers.
For onsite participants only. -
Oral Sessions (OAS)
The most exciting work from abstracts submitted to the congress will be honoured with a place in these sessions, which start with a brief introductory talk from one of the chairs. Each presenter highlights their work and answers questions from attendees.
Presented only on-site and not live streamed. Recording will be availble on EAACI Congress Digital Platform after the congress. -
Plenary Symposia (PL)
Plenary Symposia are the core of the congress activities. These are exhaustive reviews of a major subject of the specialty, addressed to all congress participants. Plenary Symposia are scheduled at “prime times” in the programme, with no crossover with other activities to enable maximum attendance. Two parallel symposia will be held, one primarily clinical and the other focused on basic science. Leading international speakers have been invited to conduct these symposia. Given the large nature, Plenary Symposia do not have allocated time for questions or discussions.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress. -
Pro & Con Sessions (P&C)
The Pro & Con Sessions allow speakers to debate controversial topics in an attractive format which provides “food for thought”. These lunch time sessions take place in the exhibition hall.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress. -
Satellite Symposia (SAT)
Satellite Symposia commence once the main programme has concluded for the day. These symposia are organised independently by the sponsoring companies who also select the topics and speakers which are approved by the Scientific Programme Committee.
Sister Society Symposia (SSS)
EAACI has collaborated with a number of sister societies to develop symposia that represent regional or scientific areas common to EAACI and the sister society. This is a chance to expand your knowledge beyond the traditional boundaries.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congres. -
Symposia (SYM)
Symposia are state-of-the-art educational sessions in which the speakers critically review diverse aspects of a specific topic. The target audience consists of delegates who are primarily interested in the subject or wish to update their knowledge in the area.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congres. -
Thematic Symposia (TS)
The Thematic Symposia are theme-based, cutting-edge and educational sessions in which the speakers critically highlight novel breakthroughs specific to the theme. The target audience consists of delegates who are interested in the topic and wish to update their knowledge in the area.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress. -
Thematic Poster Session (TPS)
Abstracts are grouped thematically into blocks of 15-20 posters and displayed for a whole day. At lunchtime, presenters are available to discuss their work and answer questions from delegates and moderators alongside their posters.
For onsite participants only. -
E-Thematic Poster Session (E-TPS)
Abstracts in this category will be available on the digital platform only.
World Leaders Dialogue (WLD)
The WLD are high-level sessions developed based on the current projects of EAACI’s Research and Outreach Committee on current topics in allergy, asthma and clinical immunology intended to promote innovative research and the knowledge exchange network,
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congres. -
Year in Review (YIR)
The Year in Review Sessions are complete and authoritative, focused on the highlights published during the previous year on a specific topic.
Onsite, live streamed on EAACI Congress Digital Platform and available On-Demand after the congress.